What have I got to lose?

When I think of the most pivotal question that affected my life – this was it:    “What have you got to lose?”

It was over 30 years ago when my life came crashing in.  I thought I had everything under control, but after years of fast living, alcoholism, drugs and poor choices – I was at my wits end.  Not only had I messed up my life and my health, but my family’s as well.

Raised in an environment where “intelligent” people didn’t believe in God but nature and evolution, everyone knew that we were all animals and that when we died we go into the ground and that’s the end of our life.  This point of view left me with no purpose or hope for my life.  After all everybody believed it so it must be true.  I moved into the fast lane to escape my fears and loneliness.

At 33, I was ready to end my life.  When my health failed suddenly, I finally cried out to God and asked “if you are real, please show me”.  Amazingly a sequence of events brought Christians and the Bible into my world within hours. – The roommate in the hospital dying of cancer sharing the peace she had knowing she’d live in heave with God when she died. -The bus workers who came from a local bible-believing church the next week to invite my children out to church. – The Sunday school teacher who visited and shared God’s plan of salvation from the bible with my daughter who prayed and received Christ as her personal savior. – The dramatically changed lives of both my son and daughter after they were saved and much, much more.

After months of questions and research, I came to accept that the Bible was uniquely God’s Word and the truth I had been seeking.  It held the key to my haunting question about life and death.  The Bible was written “…that you may know that you have eternal life…”  (I John 5:13)

What truth did I need to know to finally set me free?

  1. God, who is the unique creator and holy, loves me and wants me to be with Him forever when I am finished living on this earth. (John 3:16-18)
  2. As a human being, I was born separate from God because of my sin nature, which I inherited – I need to acknowledge my sin before a Holy God and be willing to turn away – repentance because I cannot get right with God by myself. (Rom 3:10,12,23)(Rom 5:12)
  3. God provided ONE way to pay the penalty of sin through sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God the Son, on the cross 2000 years ago. (Rom 6:23, Rom 5:8) It was planned from the beginning and completed with the resurrection from the dead. (I Corinthians 15:3-5)The Choice to accept that payment or reject it is up to me and only me. (Romans 10:9, 13)

When I finally understood the God’s plan, I understood I had a decision to make.  Then came the pivotal questions:  “What have you got to lose?”

Let’s see – a life of fear, failure, self-hatred, and loneliness – For a second chance!!

In a 30 second prayer, my life was changed and God took control.  I remember talking to God while sitting on my couch the Wednesday before Mother’s Day, 1979 and saying:

“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner and I am so sorry, I believe Jesus is God and that He paid for my sins 2000 years ago when He bled and died on the cross and I believe He came alive again 3 days later and is alive today.  Dear Jesus, please save me and forgive my sins. Give me a forever home in heaven and help me to live my life for you. Amen.”

God is faithful. The fear and loneliness left immediately and I have been safe in His arms through all kinds of trials and tests, but free in Christ.  Jesus says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)


Have you made your choice yet?  What have you got to lose?

Always in Christ, Dr. Nancy (email: Toolkitministries@yahoo.com)

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