Helpful “Trinity” explanation

When I first came to know Jesus personally, I had no  concept of the “Trinity” since I knew little or nothing about the Bible.  It was by an act of faith I accepted Jesus Christ as my own personal savior. (See testimonial archive: “What have you got to lose”)

The study of the scriptures revealed the uniqueness of God and the vastness of His character.  The Bible clearly states there is only one God:  “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” Deut. 6:4  but there is a separation of purpose throughout His Word which is difficult for our limited minds to understand.  So how can we explain it to a child?

Jeremy, an inquisitive 5th grader, asked me, “If God the Father lives in heaven, which is a perfect place, and He can’t have sin in His presence, then how could Jesus (God the Son) bear our sins on the cross and how does the Holy Spirit react to sin?  Isn’t there only one God?”

Here is an answer I gave that may help.  “Jeremy”, I said, “You have a dad right?  And your dad has a dad which is your grandpa.  Your dad also has a sister, which is your aunt. That means your Dad (Jeremy Sr) is a father, a son and a brother.  He has 3 positions of responsibility but he is only one person:  “Jeremy Sr.”   That is how it is with God.  One God but 3 positions of responsibility.”

Perhaps these passages may also help you as well:

Jesus speaking about Holy Spirit said “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” (John 15:26) This passage helped me personally:For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” (I John 5:7)

For an OBJECT lesson on the concept of the Trinity try the following:

Try taking a boiled egg (with shell) and carefully cutting it in half.

Show the cut center to the student and explain:

“Here is an EGG.  It is made up of the yolk, the white and the shell.  If any of the pieces are missing it is not an EGG.  The idea of God is something like the egg.  There is one GOD but three persons with three purposes.  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.”

I hope this little illustration will prove to be helpful.
“Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.”( 2 John 1:3)



Please feel free to e-mail any comments to:  Dr. Nancy at

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A Date with God

Can you say with the psalmist: “This is a day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24)?

When I think a time I have had the great sense of peace and contentment, it is a time when I am in fellowship with God.  It first happened 33 years ago when I came to the point in my life of realizing my desperate condition, my need for God’s forgiveness. It was  when I recognized God’s only plan available to me was through the sacrificial payment of Jesus Christ and the victory of His resurrection. (John 3:16-18; I Cor. 15:3-4) Now it was my choice:  To receive that gift provided or reject it (John 1:12).  In that moment of humble admission and commitment, I prayed to receive Christ as my own personal savior and He fulfilled His promises.  Forgiven, saved, with promise of eternal life and fellowship of God Himself as His child I was born again into His family (John 3:3-8).  Indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption I was His forever.  That was when I first experienced the “peace of God that passes all understanding” (Phil 4:7).

But maintaining that closeness in the day to day fragmented world we live in was like walking on the top of a two-rail fence.  I was constantly falling off on one side or the other.  So when did I finally get back to the fellowship I longed for?  It was not in the blessings and good times.  It was in the crisis of hitting a brick wall that was impossible to get over or through.  Usually I ended up flat on my back where I could only look up and call out for help.  Then He heard my call and I found Him again.

One of the closest encounters and the longest fellowships of joy, peace and contentment I have ever experienced was when I underwent life-threatening surgery.  It was very unexpected and as a single mom with two teens it could have been overwhelming but God brought along all the people and care to eliminate the concern for my children.  I could let go and focus on God.  I was in the hospital for 3 weeks in isolation.  It was just me and my Lord, my Bible, a notepad, a pen and a window to watch the sky. The long quiet times with God alone each day was the most productive growing period of my life.

This is the example I need to go back to when I need to find true satisfaction and peace.  It is a daily “Date with God” also referred to as “quiet time”, “personal devotions”, etc.

How to Make a Date with God   and be truly satisfied and part of His growing family:

  1. TIME:   Set an appointment with a half-hour or more limit.  You’d spend that much in a personal relationship on the phone.  For me it is first thing in the morning so I can ask Him to spend the day directing my path and being my companion throughout the challenges.
  2. TALK WITH GOD:  Prayer is the way we talk to Him anytime about anything.  Start with praising Him for who He is then share with Him anything that may be standing between you.  That is called admitting or confessing your iniquities, sins, failures to keep His perfect will so He can cleanse you today (I John 1:9). Ask your requests for yourself, for others or just tell Him how much you love Him.  Finally Thank Him for His personal care, for His provisions and ask Him to use you in His service today.
  3. LET HIM TALK TO YOU:  Through His written love letter – THE BIBLE.  Read in a daily consistent manner (a few verses of one of the books, like Mark, Philippians or I John or even a chapter) then perhaps a Psalm or Proverb.  There are reading guides to provide a way to read through the Bible in a year to help you (Try: our daily bread –  for helps).  Write down a verse that you think God has just for you just for today and carry it with you all day, rereading repeatedly.  This is called “meditating” on His Word.  (Ps 119:11) (2 Tim 2:15)
  4. WRITE DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS:  Journalize what you received out of today’s special time with God.  Keep a list of prayer requests with space to record the dates of His answer to them.
  5. CLOSE OUT YOUR TIME:  With a grateful heart, ready to look for His leading in your life today and ready to share the hope that is within you with others (I Peter 3:15)

When I feel far from God, drowning in the hurry and cares of the world, I ask myself – Did you have your Date with God today?  Or did I just say Hi and Bye as I rushed out the door?

Quality quiet time with God is never wasted and produces a day to day peace and satisfaction that is beyond all comprehension.  Lord, help me to remember the peace in your presence today.

Do you know Him personally – Are you His Child (John 1:12)? If so, are you walking with Him daily and getting to know Him better?

How is your walk with God today? 

Please send any comments or inquiries to:

Dr Nancy at:

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Why do bad things happen?

Malinda was extremely worried and brought a recent problem to her Bible class. Perhaps you have encountered a similar problem. She was deeply concerned for her family and their eternal destiny.  They claimed they didn’t believe in hell but did believed there was a God. The bigger problem was they couldn’t understand why God allowed bad things to happen especially as related in the news today with all the natural disasters and wars.    What do you say to Malinda?  What can she share with her friend?

This situation confronts one of life’s hard questions: “Why does God allow suffering in the world?” Or “Why to bad things happen to good people?”


We don’t have all the answers but its good to know the One who does so start with prayer.  Ask God to provide inner peace and the wisdom to be a comfort to others in need.  (James 1:5, Col 1:9-10 )  God’s ways are not our ways and we cannot presume to know all the answers, but we can look to His Word and His character.

There are actually several issues being addressed at the same time so in order to help let’s start by separating them.

1. They don’t believe in hell. Many people don’t “believe” in God or the Bible, but that doesn’t make it untrue.  What we believe or don’t believe has little bearing on the truth

For example: I could say I don’t believe in gravity, but if I step off a high roof I’ll experience it in a powerful way.   John 17:17  Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, and you will be free indeed.”

2. The place called Hell : Hell is identified in the Bible created as a literal place of punishment for Satan and his demons (Matthew 25:41). It was never intended for mankind.  Man’s choice to ignore God and choose the sin of disobedience and disbelief as presented by Satan opened the way to eternal destruction. (Romans 5:12)  Death, disease, destruction, evil on earth came from the original choice of mankind represented by Adam and Eve.

God has many qualities including grace and justice.  Because He is just He must punish sin which is death (eternal separation from God) and the reality of a second death into place called Hell is the result (Rev. 21:8 )

God is also full of grace and paid for the penalty Himself through God the Son, Jesus Christ, (John 3:16).  He is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9)… but it is again each person’s free will and choice even today to accept or reject that payment.

3. Why does God allow bad things to happen? This is one of the universal multi-faceted questions that most people ask at one point in their life. It always amazes me that they tell God to get out of schools and their lives and then He gets blamed for the bad things that befall them. What  they are saying seems to imply either God is not powerful enough to prevent bad things from happening or that God is not good.

The events of the crucifixion were evil – but for a good purpose- the salvation of man. (Acts 2:23-24)

Here is a direct response that may help (Remember: O.N.E.)

a.       Origin of “bad” or “evil” – God’s world was created perfect…mankind’s choice brought in evil, death, destruction, disease through sin (Rom 5:12).   But God can use the bad and the fallen to bring good out of it (Roman 8:28).

b.       Nature of God:  God is full of grace and forgiveness – ready to receive anyone who will accept the way He provided and paid for. (John 14:6/ I John 1:9)

c.      End of it all:  The good news is God will one day put an end to all evil, pain and death (Rev. 21:4) providing a new heaven and earth for His children.

We cannot know the answer to a specific crisis in each life.  We can wait on God for His plan to unfold completely trusting He knows and cares.  Remember, without many disasters and martyred saints many would not personally find God in the first place.  Through the peace of God exhibited by the suffering Christian, others would not find their way to the truth either.  They are lights in this dark and fallen world.  (Study the injustice and suffering of people like Joseph, Daniel and Job in the Bible who all had a divine purpose beyond the understanding in our finite minds – done God’s way). (Isaiah 45:6-7)

Final thought:


  1. Make sure you are “witnessing” in God’s power and not your own:

    1. Can you remember a time in your life when you trusted Jesus Christ as your own personal savior?  (John 1:12) You can learn more at a new Billy Graham website:
    2. Child of God go to the source of the power first: PRAY
    3. See the issue from God’s purpose and insight. Admit our ways are not His ways but TRUST and wait.


It’s ok to say, “I don’t know but God does- let me share some of His words with you”. Use God’s Word liberally.

Good website for hard questions:

2.  Each new trial and  test is also meant to increase your faith as well.

3. Know your part and God’s part of each situation – (Proverbs 3:5,6)

There are many stories of impossible decisions for Christ that can be found in toolkits’ blog as illustrations as well as your own personal testimony.  For more ideas see Blog's below.

May the Lord use you to minister to many others before He returns.  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7

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How can I know if I am a born-again Christian?

Many times new believers have asked the same questions involving their standing in God’s family as children of God.  There is no understanding of His power, His mercy, His grace and forgiveness or His promise of eternal life but perhaps scriptural answers to some of the questions  may help:

How can I know if I’m a born again Christian?

The basic term “Born again” comes from John 3 in a discussion Jesus has with a very righteous seeker, Nicodemus.  In John 4 Jesus talks with a hardened sinner at the well of Samaria about the same issue.  You may wish to review these 2 conversations.

Let’s look at the basics of the GOSPEL message and the personal choice & decision.

1. Is there a time in your life that you recognized your need for a relationship with your holy, creator God because of the separation from Him caused by your sinful condition? Romans 3:10, 3:23 and 5:12

2. Did you realize and acknowledge what God provided through Jesus Christ, God the Son, and what he did for you (already paid for your sins by His death, burial and resurrection? Romans 5:8, 6:23 and John 14:6 and John 3:16-18, I Cor. 15:3-4

3. Did you receive God’s gift of salvation, trusting ONLY in what Jesus did for you? (Like a commitment when joining an army, your life belongs to Jesus, forever)  Romans 10:9, 13, John 1:12, John 3:15

At that point in time, a transaction took place and God the Holy Spirit sealed you as part of the family of God until you the day you get to heaven.  He will indwell you as a born-again Christian based only on the mercy of God. Ephesians 2:8,Titus 3:5,Eph 1:13-

Who is this Spirit?

Jesus Speaks about the Holy Spirit but also about deceiving spirits.  Just as there are several kinds of angels (good and bad) so are there different spirits (one from God and others from Satan)  It is important to know which is which.  The WORD of God can separate them since the Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible.  John 7:39 , John 14:15-17 ,I Timothy 4:1

What does the Holy Spirit do?

Lives in Us: We are clean inside but helps us while we are here on earth to grow more Christ like.  We will never be perfect until we get to heaven because we still have the sinful blood and body we started with.  The flesh will struggle against Spirit daily.We have the power to overcome with Holy Spirit's help day but day. 1 Corinthians 6:19, Romans 8:14


Comfort and assurance to child of God: I John 4:13


Helps us to obey and guides in truth (Word of God) for He is the author 2 Peter 1:20- ,  I Timothy 3:16

Corrects the child of God and convicts of sin. What do I do when I sin again?

The book of I John is written to the child of God and clearly shows we are saved by grace and kept saved by God’s grace.  We will sin again but not habitually since we have the power of Holy Spirit to help us overcome.  But when we fall, God will not hear our prayers until we confess our sins and start again. The relationship remains but the communication lines are down.  So he provides a cleansing mechanism by telling on ourselves and asking for forgiveness as we walk through this life on earth. The good news is when we get to heaven either by death or rapture we get a new body just like Jesus without the sinful blood we are born with and will be sin-less. John 16, I John1:8

Provides the Peace of God  when we are in His will as a child of God. Colossians 3:15


Evidence of being yielded to the Holy Spirit that indwells the believer: Changed lives and promises of God that provide assurance by:

Daily living and encouragement of others in our communication Ephesians 4:29-32

Evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit in growing in the child of God Galatians 5:22-23

FINAL note: The child of God is a saved sinner, NOT perfect or holy, and will not be perfected until he/she reaches his/her home in heaven, but has God’s Holy Spirit to encourage, forgive, empower and grant the peace that passes all understanding while here on earth. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy who provides the “peace that passes all understanding” to His children.

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Nancy Shields direct at:

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How can I know the Bible is true?

This is a legitimate and reasonable question to be asked. We can talk about power of the Word to change lives or the claims the Bible makes for itself – that it is the Word of God or the popularity of the Bible in over $150 million in sales every year. Perhaps the best response for the seeker and skeptic can be answered in 3 proofs:

ACROSTIC for seeking the truth in the Bible: HAP

H– In all years of criticism of church, no one has ever been able to identify even one historical mistake anywhere in the Bible. If man wrote it surely one would find historical errors after all these years. How do you explain this? The book did not come to us simply from the hand of man, but from the hand of God.

A Archaeology – Out of the 25,000 archaeological finds relating to people, places and events in the Bible, NO detail has been disproved from the biblical record. In fact every discovery just continues to prove the Bible is true-great proof for accuracy and trustworthiness of the Bible.

P Prophecy – Prophecy fulfilled is unique to the Bible alone. Out of all the religious books in history, the Bible stands all by itself in this area. It is the only book that has hundreds of very detailed prophecies. From Old Testament over 2,000 specific prophecies have been already fulfilled. Of the 333 prophecies predicting the Messiah, ALL concerning his first coming have been fulfilled and those remaining have to do with his second coming.

As the Bible was written, 25 % of it was predicting future events. Every single prophecy has been fulfilled except for the few remaining ones dealing with the future return of Jesus Christ. There is no man that can predict the future 100% accurately. Who can do this? Only God can. Fulfilled prophecy is not only proof of the veracity of the Bible, it is also proof for the existence of God.

Think of the uniqueness of the Word of God directed by the Spirit of God through over 40 men of God during a 1500 year period. These men were from all walks of life, from shepherd to king, many who had never met. Yet the theme is unified. The Old Testament says the Messiah is coming to save the world of mankind from sin. The New Testament says the Messiah came and fulfilled the promise AND He is coming again!!

2 Peter 1:20-21 “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Will you search for yourself and search for the truth?

"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life – no man comes to the Father but by me." John 14:6

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