God’s Work takes Team work

“God’s Work takes Team work” is a new workshop from Toolkit Ministries.  It made its debut at an annual teacher training last Saturday at Children’s Bible Ministries of MD in Upperco, MD.  These teachers are preparing to start up the school season with “character building” Bible based clubs in the public schools of MD.  This class turned out to be a blessing usable by all of God's people in working together in unity resulting in reflecting His glory and working His purpose in each community.

God’s game plan can clearly be seen in Ephesians 4.  It gives the commitment required by His people (Eph.4:1-7), the purpose of His gifts provided to each believer (Eph.4:11-16) and the evidence displayed by God’s functioning team (Eph.4: 21-31).  Take some time and discover team building – God’s way.

The workshop included building and maintaining volunteer teams whether small such as classroom teaching teams or medium groups like Jr. church teams or AWANAs or larger annual events such as Vacation Bible School.  We included some advance planning worksheets, problem solving techniques  and transitional demonstrations to make team-teaching seamless.  In addition, we went over conflict resolution and practical helps for all team members.

The workshop was a result of a challenge by CBS director, Denise Morgan, to create a class to encourage experience teachers to recruit and build up future leaders through team teaching.  Thank you, Denise!!

This class is now available for in-church seminars and Christian education conferences.  To request a workshop or half-day seminar, please contact Dr. Nancy Shields directly (email: toolkitministries@yahoo.com)  

teamwork-nbs teamwork-cbm082716  

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On the Brink-Dad’s Story-

Charles Paige Brook (3/24/20-12/9/99)  Rescued through God's amazing grace!

Shared by his daugher:  Nancy Brook Shields

My dad was a professional flutist with New York Philharmonic but out of WWII he became a self-proclaimed atheist and skeptic. He had a gift for living for today to the fullest with no thought of the issues of tomorrow.  He was cheerful, generous to a fault and well read in everything except the Bible. Our family was dysfunctional probably more so because of the musician working hours. We rarely saw Dad and there were many broken promises which led to bitterness on my part and many years of independent living from my family.

At the age of 33, my life changed as I was born-again through my personal commitment to Christ.  God took away all my anger and filled me with an awesome love for my family, especially for my father. My deepest desire was to share God’s gift with my dad.  However, he immediately rejected me and my faith for many years.  After 22 years of praying and trying to connect, Dad softened as age and illness began to show up in the latter part of his life. He and his wife, Alice, had retired to Texas. I can remember one day after he was diagnosed with leukemia he said, “I wish I had your faith and belief, but I am a humanist and cannot change”.    He had heard God’s message many times through many sources including my own personal dramatic change which he attributed to my self-control. But when I reminded him it wasn’t me but Jesus in me that made the difference and answers were in the Bible, he would just draw back.  He was so well read but never even read the Gospel of John in the Bible or so he claimed.

A little while later we had a talk that I think was a turning point for him.  He was finally asking questions about the Bible being God’s Word.  He quickly changed the argument to the seeming “intolerance” I was showing because around the world many worship god in their own way but I said there is only one way.  I reminded him that I was only quoting Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me.” (John 14:6)  To make the point, I pointed to a glass of water on the table and said, “what if that glass had pure undetectable poison in it and I drank it down because I was so thirsty, what would happen to me?”  Dad said, “You’d die of course.”  I said, “Why?  I believed it is water so why should I die?”  Out of his own mouth his response was “Nancy, it doesn’t matter what you believe unless what you believe is the truth.  The truth is the glass was poison and not water.”    I picked up the Bible and said, “You are exactly right!!  The Bible is the truth that gives you peace – there is a heaven, there is a hell and the only way to get right with God and know eternal life is through accepting Christ because He provided the one way out with His own life’s blood 2000 years ago.  We just have to receive and accept it of our own free will.”

Although he still refused to let me open the Bible, he remembered a verse he always knew as I sang “For God so loved the world… “(John 3:16, 17) a song my mother used to sing.  As I explained what the verse meant and especially to him, he said I never knew it was God’s promise or why it was so special. We were interrupted at that point but he promised to look into the book of John before I left.

 Months later the disease of leukemia took him with a vengeance.  I spent more time as a plasma donor and wanted to keep Alice company during dad’s time in hospital in San Antonio.  Through the weeks that followed, God allowed my brother, Mitch, to spend time with Dad sharing his faith in Christ and listening to dad’s fears about dying.  He was also able to point him to God’s unfailing promises in the Bible. We took turns flying in and out as he went through chemo and other procedures but his body was not very strong.

  I received a panic call from my brother saying dad was in a coma and the medical staff was suggesting hospice since he was not expected to even regain consciousness. I immediately booked a flight and arranged for my son to join us later.  As I flew back I remember an amazing peace and a verse from Jeremiah replaying in my head:  “Call on me and I will answer thee and show thee great and might things thou knowest not.”  (Jer. 33:3).   God was still in control!!  Have you ever prayed for someone so long you almost didn’t believe it would be answered?  But God was listening.

As soon as I landed I told Mitch we had to go the hospital and see dad now!  While Mitch’s wife kept Alice company, we raced to the hospital.  Moving through the halls, nurses and doctors stopped to tell us there was no hope and don’t even bother visiting in ICU because it was too late.  I firmly requested they step aside and allow us private time with our dad.  

As we entered the room, dad had tubes and monitors running everywhere. His hands and arms were so swollen it was like holding a balloon.  He seemed totally out of it, but when I called his name to my surprise he opened his eyes and tried to talk and lift his head, but the tubes were in the way.  We worked out a signal with hand squeezing- once for yes and two for no so we could communicate.  He seemed very lucid as we asked him questions.  Mitch talked to him for a few minutes and handed it over to me.

I remember saying “Dad we love you so much and we want to see you again forever in heaven.  Remember God’s promise to you from the Bible?    For God so loved PAIGE that He gave his only begotten son (Jesus) that if Paige will believe on Jesus, Paige will not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE”.  He loves you and wants you to be with Him in heaven.  We want to see you again too.”

Dad seemed to be listening so I asked him a series of yes and no questions to make sure he could respond and he was still with us.  “Dad, will you receive Jesus as your own savior right now? (A squeeze confirmed he was with us) – Can I pray with you right now?” another squeeze yes… I prayed to the Lord, “God you know dad’s heart and mind right now, he is a lost sinner asking for your love and mercy right now.  Jesus, dad is asking for forgiveness and accepting you as his personal savior. Thank you for saving him and providing him a forever home in heaven. Amen”

When I stopped praying, Mitch was crying and Dad was still there. The look of peace that passed over his face was amazing as the tears ran down his checks.    I asked Dad if he prayed with us and would we see him again in heaven with all the positive responses he gave and the look of peace, God had answered that 22 year prayer and dad was safe in the arms of Jesus.   There were several more minutes of before he slipped back into a coma.  Within a couple of hours his temperature spiked to 107 and the doctors said he was probably brain dead at the point in time. My son, Billy, came to be at his side and with his nursing experience was a great comfort.   For days the doctors kept testing, but there was no recovery and on my birthday, December 8th, we had to make a joint decision to take him off life support.

Dad’s body died December 9, 1999, but I know he lives forever with his Christ in heaven.  I can’t wait to see him again.  Though I miss him more than words can express, I am at peace knowing my Lord is caring for Dad and I’ll see him again.  My brother Mitch is there now after he lost a battle with cancer in sept 11th 2012.  I am so grateful God’s long-suffering toward his creation:

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  2 Peter 3:9




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God’s Faithfulness-financial trials

By  Dr. Nancy Shields

“He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”  I Thess 5:24

When I was 33 years old the Lord used faithful Christian witnesses and the scriptures to change my sick, depraved heart from a broken down alcoholic sinner and single mom into a new person when I accepted Christ’s payment for my sinful life.  The change was so dramatic that an old friend ran from me thinking I was possessed by aliens!!  But I found freedom, forgiveness and the peace of God that passes all understanding.  Quickly growing in the family of God at Harvester Baptist Church and the biblical instruction of Pastor Simpson and staff I grew in Christ, usually because of my failings and Christ’s faithfulness.  Looking back over 37 years, I can see that the Lord takes areas of weakness and through testing and trials we can grow stronger in that area as we learn to let go and trust God.  My biggest area of weakness starting out (as I have many still being worked on) was my fear of financial instability.  I worried about providing for myself and my 2 children in the present and in the future – I was about to learn what the scripture meant when He promised:  “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19

The first test of faith was learning that “stewardship” meant taking care of all that God has provided.  I was learning to show my trust in Him by tithing not only my wages but my time as well.  I couldn’t see how I could give 10% with my budget, but as I stepped out and trusted God, He managed my finances so we improved our living status. We actually moved from subsidized housing to owning our own home over a 20 year period. I still can’t explain how I was moved from one job to another with large bonuses and increases all in different types of work.  However, there were times of unemployment and testing:  Do I tithe on my unemployment check? During a long period of unemployment, this challenge came up. The check came in on Friday and the rent was due on Wednesday.  Sunday I choose to give my 10% and didn’t have any money left for rent once groceries were purchased.  We prayed as a family and as a church Sunday night.  Tuesday a check arrived in the mail.  A relative I didn’t even know had died and left me some money.  Guess how much?  The exact amount of the rent!! God was faithful again.

As a young believer, one of the things I found hard was when I desperately wanted to give to missions and building funds.  We were meeting in rented space as a church and the first call to give above and beyond to the building fund was given.  I could have cried.  I was working 2 jobs, no child support, God was taking care of the needs as I tithed but I wanted to give something special.  The Lord laid on my heart to sell my diamond ring.  I was so excited to be able to donate something. As I drove back from jewelers with the cash, I was hit with thoughts that frightened me telling me to keep the money and spend it on the kids.  But I had promised to give it to the Lord’s work.  I drove straight to Pastor’s home and handed all the money to him. God greatly blessed this effort and I learned that mental attacks are real tests of Christian faith too. Stewardship now meant spending time in prayer and in His Word to ward off these very real attacks.

One day we were told we had 2 weeks to move.  We were in a rented duplex that had just been sold. Debby and Billy were all excited.  They saw God working and said now we can get a single family house. They picked out the room colors they wanted, a fenced in back yard for the dog, a fire place…. I thought they were nuts.  I shared the need to move at the prayer meeting Wednesday night and started looking.  Within 2 weeks a private owner accepted us as renter.  Would you believe all the criteria the kids asked for including, newly painted rooms in their colors, were covered and the rent amount was the same as I was paying.  (There were 2 other times where the Lord provided purchased homes through prayer).

 In that same year of the “move” test came another financial crisis.  I was gravely ill and had emergency surgery with complications.  When I came home to recover my employer decided because I was not coming back as quickly as she wanted she would stop my paycheck.  I was shook up but the previous year I had started a tax service after receiving training so I had some extra income if needed. I had given cards out in neighborhood about doing taxes but had no responses.  A year later, without any advertisements and the week my paycheck stopped, people began to call & showed up at my door for help.  The 6 week recovery period without pay resulted in more income by staying home and doing tax returns than if I had collected 6 weeks of paychecks! Plus all the clients got to hear the Gospel:)  Once again God was faithful. He takes care of His own.

As this area of trusting God for my livelihood was yielded, I knew eventually God would ask more and He did. Now was the step for me to go from a corporate secure job to trusting Him week by week to provide.   This became a big step about 20 years ago when I became “self-employed” doing whatever.   Once again I learned how to live on less and still increase my offerings especially to missions which is my passion.  God provided opportunities through referrals in areas of accounting to provide the finances and 15 years ago He opened door to start Toolkit Ministries to increase my investment in His work in time while decreasing my working hours.  (This is another story of God’s Faithfulness).

I share this in retrospect to encourage believers to put your faith in God to work.  Spend your time in His Word and prayer and serving His people to be His faithful stewards.  Allow God to test your faith and see it as a learning experience.  Our heart is usually where we spend our money and our time.  Choose to put God first to be found a “faithful steward” when we face Christ in eternity – that’s my goal.

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What have I got to lose?

When I think of the most pivotal question that affected my life – this was it:    “What have you got to lose?”

It was over 30 years ago when my life came crashing in.  I thought I had everything under control, but after years of fast living, alcoholism, drugs and poor choices – I was at my wits end.  Not only had I messed up my life and my health, but my family’s as well.

Raised in an environment where “intelligent” people didn’t believe in God but nature and evolution, everyone knew that we were all animals and that when we died we go into the ground and that’s the end of our life.  This point of view left me with no purpose or hope for my life.  After all everybody believed it so it must be true.  I moved into the fast lane to escape my fears and loneliness.

At 33, I was ready to end my life.  When my health failed suddenly, I finally cried out to God and asked “if you are real, please show me”.  Amazingly a sequence of events brought Christians and the Bible into my world within hours. – The roommate in the hospital dying of cancer sharing the peace she had knowing she’d live in heave with God when she died. -The bus workers who came from a local bible-believing church the next week to invite my children out to church. – The Sunday school teacher who visited and shared God’s plan of salvation from the bible with my daughter who prayed and received Christ as her personal savior. – The dramatically changed lives of both my son and daughter after they were saved and much, much more.

After months of questions and research, I came to accept that the Bible was uniquely God’s Word and the truth I had been seeking.  It held the key to my haunting question about life and death.  The Bible was written “…that you may know that you have eternal life…”  (I John 5:13)

What truth did I need to know to finally set me free?

  1. God, who is the unique creator and holy, loves me and wants me to be with Him forever when I am finished living on this earth. (John 3:16-18)
  2. As a human being, I was born separate from God because of my sin nature, which I inherited – I need to acknowledge my sin before a Holy God and be willing to turn away – repentance because I cannot get right with God by myself. (Rom 3:10,12,23)(Rom 5:12)
  3. God provided ONE way to pay the penalty of sin through sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God the Son, on the cross 2000 years ago. (Rom 6:23, Rom 5:8) It was planned from the beginning and completed with the resurrection from the dead. (I Corinthians 15:3-5)The Choice to accept that payment or reject it is up to me and only me. (Romans 10:9, 13)

When I finally understood the God’s plan, I understood I had a decision to make.  Then came the pivotal questions:  “What have you got to lose?”

Let’s see – a life of fear, failure, self-hatred, and loneliness – For a second chance!!

In a 30 second prayer, my life was changed and God took control.  I remember talking to God while sitting on my couch the Wednesday before Mother’s Day, 1979 and saying:

“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner and I am so sorry, I believe Jesus is God and that He paid for my sins 2000 years ago when He bled and died on the cross and I believe He came alive again 3 days later and is alive today.  Dear Jesus, please save me and forgive my sins. Give me a forever home in heaven and help me to live my life for you. Amen.”

God is faithful. The fear and loneliness left immediately and I have been safe in His arms through all kinds of trials and tests, but free in Christ.  Jesus says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)


Have you made your choice yet?  What have you got to lose?

Always in Christ, Dr. Nancy (email: Toolkitministries@yahoo.com)

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What if I never asked?

Sharing our faith in Christ is only easy when the person who is listening is eager to hear.  It is a scary thing to talk about Christ in today’s world.

After receiving Christ as my personal savior, God began a new life in me and a new purpose.  I learned from wise mentors how to share Christ with others and through a missionary’s challenge, began opening my home to children in the neighborhood for Bible clubs.

I remember a summer day teaching a “Watermelon Party”, a Bible club using colors to share the Good News with the children.  The event was on blankets in the grassy, public area in front of my home.  I had one helper and about 2 dozen children.  In the area was a group of teen boys, riding their bikes.  They were older teens, loud and shouting a lot of foul language at each other. I was concerned and thought there was going to be gang fight right in front of the children, so I prayed.  Then I walk over to ask them to move their dispute to another area.  After much heckling and foul language, the group moved to another street.  All, except two very large teens that continued to circle the area.

The children sang songs, played some memory verse games and then it was story time.   As I shared the lesson, I could see the larger of the two boys stop behind the children.  I didn’t know if he was listening or waiting for a right time to cause disruption the club.  I shared God’s love and the problem we have because of our sin nature that separates us from our holy, creator God. The only solution to the problem came from God himself when He sent God the Son, Jesus, to earth 2000 years ago in the form of a man.  He willingly took the penalty for all sin when He paid with His blood on the cross and died.  The payment was accepted as complete, when Jesus came alive again 3 days later.  The Good News is sin is paid for…the choice is now up to each boy and girl, man and woman whether to accept the payment on their behalf, or to refuse it.

I asked the children what their choice was.  Many signified that they had already accepted and received God’s gift of eternal life (John 3:16).  But two little ones had questions.  I had them follow me over to the tree.  As I sat down with them, the large teen pulled his bike up behind me.

It felt like he was breathing down my back.  He was 6’2” to my 5’2” and looked very angry.  I ignored him so I could talk with the 2 children.  As it turned out, one just needed assurance and the youngest one didn’t understand sin, so I prayed with them and sent them back to play review games with my helper.

My instinct was to ignore the huge, angry teenager looming over me and follow the children back as quickly as possible.  But a small voice stopped me cold and without thinking what to do or say, I spun around.  Smiling into his overpowering gaze, I asked, “What about you?  Would you like to receive Jesus as your own personal Savior from sin?” I held my breath as the moment seemed to freeze in time.

The boy’s demeanor began to transform in front of me as he melted into tears.  “Oh yes, I thought you’d never ask me.” He received Christ as his own as he humbly prayed and commit His life to Jesus.  He was so ready to make a decision.

God blessed me in having a part in this young man’s new life in Christ.  I was so close to running away from the opportunity because of my fear.    I often ask myself,  What if I had never asked????


Psalm 51:12-13

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

All Responses should be sent via e-mail to:

Dr. Nancy (email: Toolkitministries@yahoo.com

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Not good enough – Debby’s story

For the people who have tried to be “good enough” to be made right with God and the young people who make a decision at an early age who come to know Christ without the dramatic life changing experience I had, I’d like to share my daughter’s story with you:

Debby’s personal salvation testimony:

I was born in Engelwood, NJ.  My dad was in the Army stationed in Korea and for the first few years of my life we moved around and were separated much of the time because of the Vietnam War.  My brother, Billy, was actually my “birthday” present when I was 2 years old, since he was born on the same day as I was.  We were close during years of turmoil and change which are vague in my memory.

When I was in 3rd grade we moved to Columbia, where mom worked many hours.  My parents were divorced and we were typical latch-key kids.  By the time I was in 5th grade I was very depressed most of the time.  I attempted to poison myself once during this discouraging time of my life.  I tried so hard every day to be good enough to please everyone, including God who I believed existed but was counting my good deeds against my bad deeds to get me to heaven.  Every day I failed and would say tomorrow I’ll do better, but tomorrow just ended in more failures.  My brother was my closest friend, but he had problems too.  My mom was getting physical attacks that sent her in and out of the hospital. It was terrifying to think what would happen to us if anything happened to her.  That’s when I began to look reach out for God and things started to happen rather quickly.

Billy and I were invited out to ride a bus to Sunday school at Harvester Baptist Church.  The kids sang all the way to church and the teachers were great.  My 5th grade Sunday school teacher was Pastor Paul.  The message he was sharing was a study from the book of Romans in the Bible and he asked if we knew if we were saved & if we knew for sure we had a home in heaven when we died.  I didn’t know what he was talking about so he asked if he could visit me at home.  I was thrilled.  Wednesday night came and so did Pastor Paul.  Mom was surprised to see my Sunday school teacher and watched from the kitchen as he sat down and answered my questions from the Bible.

I believed there was a heaven but I was trying so hard to get there by being good.  I was so happy when I found out there are “none good” and we are all in the same condition:  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:12, 23).  No-one is as perfect as God is but that is how “good” we would have to be to get to heaven on our own. Then I found out that God loves us anyway and provided one way to assure us of eternal life, “But God proved his loved toward us that while we are still sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom 5:8.  God already provided the way.  When Christ came to earth from heaven, took on the form of a man so He could take our place and die on the cross for my sins.  The payment was accepted once for all when Jesus came out of the grave 3 days later.  He proved He is God the son, He alone can forgive sin and He is the only way to heaven.  Then He had his followers spread the good news – sin is paid for now it is up to us to make our own decision  to accept or reject that payment.

I wanted to be in a family that would always be there for me.  John 1:12 said “But as many (if I would) receive Him (take Jesus as my personal savior from sin) to me He will give the right to become a Child of God…”  The decision was mine alone.  I told Pastor Paul I was ready and prayed a simple prayer to God right there on my couch in my own home that Wednesday night.  The prayer went something like, “Dear God, I know I am a sinner and I am so sorry for my sins, I believe with all my heart that Jesus paid for my sins by dying on the cross 2000 years ago and coming alive again 3 days later, I am asking you right now forgive my sins and save me, make me your child and help me to live my life for you, in Jesus name, amen.”

An amazing thing happened. I felt free for the first time and secure knowing that I was loved for who I was.  That no matter what others thought, I was a child of God.  I found myself singing around the house. I know my mother and brother thought I had lost my senses, but it was not too long before they too made decisions.  We were all baptized as a public profession of our new faith and family. We continued to grow in learning more about God’s Word at Harvester.  There were growing pains  but was able to serve on the bus ministry. At 13 years old I was helping teach children’s classes which I knew was going to be my calling in life.

Mom and I began also serving and teaching with Child Evangelism Fellowship. I was a missionary for 3 summers to the children.  Later I went to Pensacola Christian College where I finished with a degree in elementary education and Regent University for my Masters degree.  I have had the joy of being a Christian school educator for over 20 years, active in my own church as a Sunday School teacher helping other children make life changing decisions to follow Christ.  I continue to help Mom with Toolkit Ministries – a teacher-training ministry to local churches.  God has been faithful in restoring good relationships with my father and his family, my grandparents and, of course, continued family growth with my brother, his wife and kids.

Pastor Paul has gone on to be with Jesus, but I will see him again at a time when God chooses to call me home.  For now, I want to continue to grow in grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

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God’s appointed Time

I met Brenda on New Years Day when I was visiting my mother in the hospital.  The hospital was quiet and almost completely empty of visitors. The nursing staff was down too probably because it was a holiday.  Mom had pneumonia but was sleeping soundly so I pulled up a chair when I noticed her roommate, Brenda, quietly sobbing into her pillow. I sat between the beds for a while and finally asked Brenda I could help.

She poured out her story through her tears.  She had come into the hospital with pneumonia and had run a battery of tests only to find out at age 38 she had stage 4 lung cancer.  She had a husband and one preteen child at home. The medical team had just left after telling her this news.

I have been the hospital two times in my life.  The first time through paralyzing fear I saw the peace only God can give in the witness of my hospital room-mate.  The second time although much more serious surgery I experienced the peace of God myself.  I offered to share my story with Brenda, who gratefully accepted:

Unknown attacks symptomatic of heart failure had sent me 3 times to the emergency room and finally ended up in emergency surgery.  When all the controls in my life were taken away, I called out and asked God to reveal Himself to me.  I wanted to know if there was a God who cared. The Bible says, “And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13)

God put me in a room with a roommate who was different from anyone I had met.  I found out by overhearing through the curtain that she was mother of 3 with a loving husband, but dying of cancer. She was so at peace and busy consoling the doctor and nurses with her confidence in knowing she was going to be in heaven with Jesus. I was surprised at her confidence and the peace she had. After everyone else had gone she share with me that she had received Jesus as her own personal savior when she was a teen and she knew she would be with Him in heaven soon. Although she couldn’t show me exactly where in the Bible, I witnessed her reading and praying constantly as she kept telling me the truth was in God’s Word, the Bible  The peace and lack of fear she had was REAL and I wanted that too.

Over the next weeks, many “co-incidental” meetings occurred in my life as God brought His Word through His people into my life.  Through a bus ministry for my children, a visiting Sunday school teacher, the change in my daughters’ life when she received Jesus as her savior at the age of 10, the love and kindness of believers at a local Bible believing church and a patient Pastor who shared the scriptures and answered my questions I finally saw the truth.  I knew my problem was not illness but my need to have my sins forgiven and made right before a holy, creator God.  That Jesus Christ came to earth for that very purpose but I had a choice to make, to accept the gift God himself provided through Jesus death, burial and resurrection or refuse and continue on my lost and fearful way.

John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”


I made my decision and prayed a 30 second prayer agreeing with God about my hopeless condition, telling Him what I believed about the sacrifice He provided through His Son Jesus and asking for forgiveness while claiming the promise of eternal life.  He filled my heart with peace and love that I had never known.  To this day it remains even though it has been over 30 years ago and the fear has left my life even to this day.

Brenda’s eyes lit up with hope as she said, “I know God sent you to help me find my way too. Will you show me God’s promises?  Can He forgive me too?” While I shared God’s Word my mother started to stir.  I prayed for more time to help Brenda and quietly in the shadows I heard a nurse come in and comfort her.  She even pulled the curtain around to give us privacy.  Brenda quietly talked to God and asked Jesus to become her Lord and Savior.  When Brenda finished praying the curtains opened and a very excited nurse exclaimed, “Praise the Lord, another soul has been saved for God’s Kingdom. Welcome to the family of God!!” We all embraced as we realized that New Year’s day was one of God’s divine appointments as we knew the we had been witness to God’s saving grace.

As it turned out, Brenda’s sister had been praying for her for over 2 years about knowing Jesus as her Savior.  She emailed me when Brenda shared with her the new life in Christ she had received.  I provided a set of follow-up materials for her to do an in-home Bible study with her sister.  I received reports over the next year as Brenda underwent Chemo and some set backs, but through her growing faith was able to see her husband, children and mother come to Christ before she went to be with her Lord almost a year later.

I know I will see her in heaven someday along with my room-mate who shared God’s peace with me.  God’s appointed times and places are many and varied.  I only pray that we all can slow down and be available to enjoy the blessings of being used by God to share His peace and joy with others every day.

For more information on this topic, look to other “testimonies” in this blog or write to Dr. Nancy at:  Toolkitministries@yahoo.com

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God’s grace and peace!!

May God grant you His grace and His peace!!

Have you ever experienced the grace and peace that eliminates all fears?  I did and I’d like to share it with you.  Many years ago I took the first step out of a life of fear into the security of God’s world when I received Christ as my own personal Savior. It started a journey of adventure that increased my trust in Him day by day.  But the hardest times were the trials for faith.

I had been in and out of hospitals for surgeries before, and this one was no different – a routine surgery that should have been a simple procedure… but it wasn’t.   For 8 years I had been trusting Christ in hard times of unemployment and changes, but this was a faith building experience.   My children were teens and pretty well on their own.  My church provided the family support needed during what I thought would be a short stay.  I was on leave from my employer and for the first time everything was finished.  I wondered why at the time, grateful I could give all my attention to resting in the Lord.

The surgery went well, but a couple of days into recovery I developed some serious staph infection.  At the end of 5 days I was so full of tubes I couldn’t walk and the pain was unbearable.  I remember a lot of concerned people praying as I was taken to pre-op again.  I was left alone for a some time since it was a holiday and the it was hard to find a surgical team on duty.  During that lonely wait, I experienced a sense of great peace (No, they had not given me a sedative yet).  I remembered scripture and hymns as I was alone for over an hour and enjoying the presence of God.  I believed I was about to be ushered into His kingdom.  My cares and worries were finished and I wanted to go home to be with the Lord Jesus… It was the greatest sense of peace I have ever experienced. A “Resting in the arms of Jesus” sense.

The surgical team had arrived and it was about 8pm at night when they put me out.   Pastor Paul, the assistant pastor of my church, was watching over the kids and had been told about the anticipated outcome.  The surgeon was to contact him as soon as the emergency surgery was completed. He was anticipating the worst from what the medical team reported.

I remember being in a brightly lit area and gradually waking up and thinking there is no pain any more.  This is great!  Then I noticed everyone wearing white, but some of them had face masks… wait a minute I’m not in heaven!!! Where am I?  Voices talking and saying she can’t possibly be waking up.  Her fever is gone!!    I was in recovery and feeling fantastic.  The nursing staff seemed terribly puzzled and took me back to my room.  I actually moved into the bed on my own strength and was talking a mile a minute about all God had done.  It was 2am… I couldn’t settle down so I called Pastor Paul.

The phone was deadly quiet when he asked “who is this calling?”  I said, “It’s me, Nancy, I feel great. I thought I was dead and in heaven but looks like I am back again”.

From the other end of the phone, Pastor Paul was yelling “Hallelujah, Praise the Lord”!  He was so excited it took 5 minutes before he could talk again.  Later he explained why he was so shocked and ecstatic at the same time.   After the surgery, I was apparently not doing well and the report called in to him was that they didn’t expect me to live through the night.  Both pastors were on call to come to the hospital in the morning as they didn’t expect me to make it through 24 hours.

Now I was experiencing God’s grace.  He not only stayed with me giving me peace and comfort, but in His providence he extended my life.  I have to admit I was very disappointed not to be in heaven, but I was so grateful to be pain free for the first time in a year that I can truly say it was a truly miraculous event and I experienced the Grace and Peace of God during that incredible experience.

The recovery was long but the quiet time with the Lord was one of the best growing times I have had.  Many relatives and friends also got to hear about God’s plan of salvation promised from His Word as they inquired about this strange turn of events from the pastors and from us.  There are many more trying times and spiritual adventures yet to come.  God can provide grace and peace to all. He is the God of miracles.

Ephesians 2:8,9  “ For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast..”(NIV)


For more information please feel free to contact:

Dr. Nancy Shields

Email: Toolkitministries@yahoo.com

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An Answer to a mother’s prayer

For all the parents of difficult teenagers, I’d like to share this story of the power of prayer.

My son was a senior in high school when he started drifting into problems with peers.  The boys he became attached to “claimed” to be Christians but wanted to be like the world with wild parties and ungodly living.  He was just smart enough not to get caught.  My daughter, who had been his best friend, was now off to college and not available to help.  I knew things were wrong as it became more difficult to communicate with him, or get him to join me in church activities and his Bible went untouched for months. After trying everything from threats to tears, finally in desperation I fell to my knees one lonely Thursday night and cried out to God and released my son into His care.  I asked Him to do whatever it took to bring him back to Himself and out of rebellion.

I fell asleep, at peace at last, but a few hours later a phone call jolted me awake.  It was my son, weeping into the phone.  He had crashed into a pole and totaled his car, miraculously walking away without a scratch.  A stranger “happened” to be nearby, towed the car and brought my son home at 2 am in the morning.  I was in a state of shock.  Then I realized it was my prayer of release that allowed God to act.  I contacted my Pastor and he suggested a meeting the next day, reminding me of Hebrews 12:6-7.  God will correct the child of God when he is disobedient. God may have been just waiting for me to let go of my child so He could take control.

When my son came through the door he was very upset, blaming God for taking away his car and his fun, but shaking in fear. When he realized he could have been crippled or worse in the crash, he wanted to talk to the pastor.  The conversation the next day resulted in a big surprise.  As the pastor asked some questions, my son began to quote scripture in reply.  Two verses still remain in my memory – Romans 12:1-2   “I beseech ye, therefore, brethren, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God.” This big, tough teenage boy broke down in tears as he said he had been trying to run away from God and join his “friends” in their fun times.  But it wasn’t fun and God’s Word haunted him night and day even though he refused to read the Bible for months.  The verses of scripture were silently at work in his heart anyway.  After that meeting, he  changed dramatically as he willingly turned back God.

My son finished out his senior year with great peace and joy, but no car for a long time. The next year was his first year of college.  Again the pull of fun time caused him to drift.  He came home at Christmas complaining about the college authorities.  When I offered to pray for him, a panic look came across his face.   He asked me not to pray and reminded me what happened last year.  This time I was praying that God would bring a godly man into his life as his mentor and friend, to help him learn how to say no to his peers.   He agreed that was what he wanted and we both spent the holiday season in special prayer.

The week he returned to college, he had been assigned a new upper class room mate.  There he met Kelvin, a young preacher boy.  Kelvin was special as he was undergoing chemo treatment for cancer.  Barely able to walk and with loss of his hair, Kelvin smiled a great welcome and became one of the strongest influences in my son’s life.   He set a wonderful example of God’s love, joyful service to others.  He guided my son into a medical career through the Army and a strong commitment to Lord.  Kelvin was God’s answer to this mother’s prayer.

Kelvin helped many young people and parents during the short time he was on earth.  My son now has a family of his own that receive this grandmother’s prayers as well.

God’s gift of prayer is readily available to His children.  Spending the quiet time to use it is a challenge.

For comments, please e-mail Dr. Nancy direct at: toolkitministries@yahoo.com

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Dr. Nancy’s Story

On May 3, 1998, I earned my Doctorate in Religious Education from Heritage Baptist University, but my real Christian education came by growing in the Word through the local church and missions at Harvester Baptist Church. How did this come about? Only by God’s amazing grace!

I grew up outside of New York City after WWII with my brother and sister in an environment where “intelligent” people didn’t believe in God, but in nature and in evolution. Personally, I could not accept that we were here by accident. I believed there had to be some superior Being in control.

My mom was a sacred singer, while my dad played the flute with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. I had exposure to many different “religions” since mom was paid to sing high church music for many groups. My conclusion was that all churches were social clubs. I can remember a Bible being present but not opened or quoted during the services. Dad claimed to be an atheist and later turned to agnosticism, but we never talked about God.

One day when I was 12 years old, I asked my mom, “What happens when you die?” She said, “Oh, you just go into the ground like any other animal, and that’s it. That’s the end of your life.” I felt an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and became filled with fear. Fear can be a terrible thing!

Gradually, over the years, my life moved into a destructive pattern of alcoholism, drugs, and poor choices. At age 33, my marriage had failed, and the damaging impact of my lifestyle was being reflected in the lives of my two children. There seemed to be no hope, and I was ready to end my life except for the haunting fear of what happens to you when you die. It was during this time that my health failed, and I had to undergo major emergency surgery. I was on the way to the hospital when I finally cried out to God and asked, “God, if You are real, please show me.” God answered my call. When I got to my hospital room, I met an unusual woman. I don’t even know her name. She was dying of cancer but faced it with a calm I had never seen. She explained to me that she knew Jesus and knew that she would be with Him in heaven and that she had no fears. It was all in the Bible, she said. I was able to identify the one thing I needed in my life – the “Peace of God” – peace to face death. My roommate’s confident faith remained in my mind.

One day after returning home, there was a knock at the door, and I opened the door to a young man I thought was a salesman. It was Pastor Simpson of Harvester Baptist Church. He was going door-to-door, inviting children out to Sunday School on the church bus. When I asked him who had sent him to my door, he said that God had sent him. He asked me, “If you were to die tonight, do you know for sure that you would have a home in heaven?” I said, “No one can know that for sure.” Pastor Simpson gave me his card, left pamphlets for me to read, and offered to have the church bus pick my children up for Sunday School that Sunday. Sunday came, and the children went to church. They came home bubbling over with happy excitement. The next week their Sunday School teacher visited in our home and shared from the Bible God’s plan of salvation with my daughter, Debby, who then prayed and received Christ as her personal Savior. The teacher announced Debby had gotten “saved.” My question was, saved from what? I was very skeptical, but the change in Debby’s life caused me to remember the lady in the hospital. She had peace too. Now how could I get it?

I was determined to see what this was all about and decided to visit the church myself. I heard from the Bible God’s plan for our salvation. After months of questioning and personal research, it was the number of fulfilled prophecies that convinced me that the Bible was the Word of God. Pastor Simpson once again asked me, “Nancy, if you were to die tonight, do you know for sure you would have a home in heaven?” I answered, “Pastor I know for sure I would not.” I had finally admitted my lost condition, but still I doubted. My problem? I was afraid I would fail again, and I couldn’t believe God could love me after all the years I had ignored Him and all the selfish things I had done. I was so ashamed.

I had no problem recognizing I was a sinner and separated from a holy God. That I readily admitted. Pastor showed me the fact that no one is good enough to get to heaven and “All have sinned and come short” (Romans 3:23). That surprised me, but I was glad I wasn’t the only one. He asked me if I believed Jesus is God the Son and that He willingly shed His blood and died on the cross just for me. I said, “Yes, I believe that.” Then he asked if I believed Jesus came alive again. I had trouble with the resurrection. I had never heard about it until I came to this church. But by this time I was convinced that the Bible was the Word of God, and I was willing, by faith, to trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ for my sins. Pastor shared God’s promise to me in Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL be saved.” It sounds simple, but at that moment in my ears it sounded like Latin. I could not understand. He explained the verse this way:
For whosoever – is you. If Nancy
Shall call on the Name of the Lord:
– Come before your holy God and agree with Him about
your sinful condition.
– Believe that Jesus is God and paid in full for all your sins
– Believe that He bled and died in your place, and
He came alive again to prove the payment was accepted.
– Then call on Him asking Him to forgive you and to save you, and He will.
Shall be saved: (not because you go to AA, go to church, or do good things) but absolutely shall be saved, based on what Jesus did for you, because you cannot save yourself.
Saved: – a guaranteed home in Heaven and forgiveness so you don’t have to spend eternal life in a terrible place of punishment the Bible calls hell.

When I hesitated, Pastor added, “Nancy, you have put your trust in everything in the past, and all have failed you, but why not try putting your faith in Jesus Christ. What have you got to lose?” What did I have to lose? Only my fears and my doubts. I was desperate for a new life. I remember praying to receive Christ’s payment for my sin and asking Him to be Lord of my life. I made my choice, and I was born again into the family of God. God added an extra miracle in my life when, within the first week, I lost my need for alcohol and all the other negative choices in my life. All my fears and loneliness left immediately. Within a few short weeks, my son, Billy, also made a decision for Christ. Then Debby, Billy, and I were baptized at Harvester Baptist Church.

As I studied God’s Word more and more, I began serving in the ministries of Harvester. The Lord opened the opportunity for me to become a Bus Captain with the church bus ministry – reaching out to other families just like my own. Pastor encouraged me to begin teaching. The first class I taught was a Junior-age class consisting of two girls. The Lord blessed, and within three months the class had grown to 25 girls.

My interest in Christian education continued to grow, and I resumed my studies. In May of 1993, I received my Masters Degree in Religious Education from Liberty University. Seeking ways to help teachers effectively communicate God’s Word to children, I took courses offered by Child Evangelism Fellowship and became a certified teacher instructor. In addition to an interest in the education of children, I had a goal of implementing a continuing adult education program designed to equip adults to serve the Lord. Working with Pastor Simpson, the Harvester Bible Institute became the fruition of that dream.

God continues His work in my life in the field of Christian education. “This year marks 10 years of mission service through Tool Kit Ministries, helping local churches teach and reach others by sharing the Bible basics learned through the ministries of Harvester Baptist Church over the past 30+ years.” Who would have thought that God could take such a broken vessel and use it to serve Him?

God is so faithful. Both my parents received Christ as their Savior before they left this earth, as did my step-dad. Many of our relatives have received Christ. It is only because of God’s power and His amazing grace that all these lives have been touched for eternity

In my life it all began with a simple prayer, “God, if You’re real, please show me.” Today my life verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Thank You, Lord.

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