
ToolboxTool Kit Ministries, Inc.

(For the Pastor or Church leadership only)

Financial  Policy

     Many have inquired as to the workshop costs and ministry financial policy. This has prompted me to put it in the information packet to the church leadership when requested. Tool Kit is a faith ministry trusting God's people, including local ministries, for their support.  This includes prayer support as well as financial gifts.

1.   One time Workshops: It is solely up the host church to register and handle any fees.  (Some may choose to charge fees to cover all or part of the costs for the workshop)

Tool Kit requests reimbursement for workshop expenses such as:  Workbooks & reproducible materials provided by TKM at costs of:

      Half Day- $4.00 per participant

            Full day –  $7.00 per participant

Travel expenses for workshops leaders: Love gifts or Honorariums are appreciated to cover speakers time and overhead.

2.   Monthly or periodic gifts by individuals and churches are used for the general support of the ministry.   Support includes publishing of newsletters, teaching materials, storage, postage and web-site costs, and general office expenses.  Currently all workers of TKM are volunteers.  All gifts are tax deductible as TKM is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

3.  Sales of CD packets or published materials are not tax deductible. Any profits cover the production costs and are put back into the ministry to cover convention and general expenses

For more information, please contact the ministry directly.

Mailing address:  P.O. Box 1253, Columbia, MD 21045


